Over the years, sisters have asked how best to wash and care for their jilbab – more commonly how to iron and get the creases out. Nobody wants a crinkly jilbab but equally the ironing struggle is real. subhan’Allah!
The jilbab is not merely a piece of fabric that we throw on to cover us. Some of us want to take great care of this precious ‘drâpe’ and take every effort to launder it in the best way possible.
What evidence is there in the Qur’an and Sunnah regarding this matter?
We are commanded to remove impurity from our clothes because Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And purify your garments”. [al-Muddaththir 74:4]
I’m sure we have all been there. Frantic because our iron wasn’t the right temperature and now our brand new jilbab has singe marks and is frazzled around the seams. Or our most favourite niqaab now has a huge melt mark on the front piece – yes, the one that everyone will see! So disappointing and sometimes even heartbreaking subhan’Allah.
Want to know how to avoid those singes?
Want to know how to get those creases out without burning your precious garments?
Have a read of the following tips that we (Sunnah Attire) have personally acquired over the years:
firstly, depending on the fabric, try to be as ecological as possible when laundering. With woolpeach and nidha, machine washing is fine but at 30 degrees is best. Any stains should be treated prior to laundering by using a soap block and warm water. The garments can be soaked before they are put in the machine. For more delicate fabrics such as; chiffon (niqabs and khimars), it’s advisable to wash these items by hand to preserve their longevity and protect the fabric. Again, a very cool temperature of 30 degrees maximum. Stains can be removed with a pre wash – by using a soap bar such as a ‘Blue Bar’ or a ‘Vanish Soap bar’ and locating the stain by hand, and then soaking. The wash cycle should have a gentle spin so that the majority of the water is removed. Once items have been washed, they should be hung to air dry until damp to touch but they should not be dripping wet, nor should they be bone dry. We strongly advise that you DO NOT TUMBLE DRY your jilbabs, niqaabs or khimars as this can and will most likely damage the fabric or shrink the garment if the heat setting is too high.
ironing the garments whilst they are damp has proven to be the most effective way, along with paying great attention to the temperature settings on the iron. It seems that the most effective and safest iron to use is a steam iron that has multiple temperature settings for a variety of fabrics or alternatively, some sisters do use steamers. By not allowing the garments to dry, it is easier to iron without singing or burning the fabric and it removes the creases most effectively; thus minimising the amount of water sprays needed during the ironing session. Garments will look so smooth and have a soft touch in Shaa Allah. Such a truly satisfying experience for those who appreciate and love ironing as much as we do!
for the more delicate chiffon items such as; niqabs and khimars, it is advisable to use an iron with the function of a ‘spray’, as the chiffon dries very quickly and you can’t iron it when it’s sodden wet as it’s not practical. So by using the spray function, it is possible to spray the intended area to smooth out those ‘new’ fold lines and awkward creases that you just simply don’t want!
once you’ve completed all of your ironing, hang your garments on a hanger and let them air for a little while. You’ll see the difference almost immediately!
aim to hang all of your garments in a tall wardrobe (ideally) so that the longer one piece jilbabs and the XXL niqaabs don’t fall crooked and get crunched up at the bottom. It’s not easy to find these kind of wardrobes and they are quite cumbersome to put up etc but again, well worth investing in for those who share the same passion for the upkeep of their outer garments etc, as we do.
In Shaa Allah that ought to cover most of the DIY tips but if you have any additional questions or comments to add, you can leave them in the comment section below at the end of this blog post. What we have shared with you is not fact nor set in stone. Everyone has their own experience and ways of doing things – we just thought we would share ours in Shaa Allah, in case it is of benefit.
And above all, the outer garment that we wear to cover and shield ourselves should be clean and presentable but it is our inward character that we should also aim to perfect – as it is towards our hearts and deeds that Allah will look.
Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“O Children of Adam! We have bestowed raiment upon you to cover yourselves (screen your private parts) and as an adornment; and the raiment of righteousness, that is better. Such are among the Ayaat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allah, that they may remember (i.e. leave falsehood and follow truth)”. [al-Araaf 7:26]
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told us about the signs of a persons success:
Allah does not look at the outward appearance or wealth of any one of you, but He looks at your hearts and deeds.
(Narrated by Muslim from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah). The heart is the seat of taqwa and a man’s essential qualities and the treasures of knowledge, and deeds are the balance in which people will be weighed before Allah, as Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“Verily, the most honourable of you with Allah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwaa”. [al-Hujuraat 49:13]