I will not compromise my haya, to suit the status of fame and glory.
Or try to reach and climb higher, by sharing my entire life story.
I will not compromise my dīn, and disregard Allah’s rules.
For the mere sake of being “seen“, on other YouTube, TikTok and Live tools.
You may say I intimidate; and slander me, backbite and hate.
But I will be direct and straight, and turn to Allah for my fate.
I don’t need your approval, nor do I seek validation from you.
See, I’m someone unto my own, and I don’t roll with a crew.
I’ve never taken kindly to bullying, athough I’m sure you’ll claim that what you are is not:…
Someone who goes around demeaning and craftily knocking people down from their “spot”.
The tricks of the trade are old, and it’s time we learned who our own enemy is.
It’s not between us that’s the issue, but rather it’s shaytaan that over us, has a hold.
The sins and evil deeds that are done, “They aren’t from us“, we say, “we didn’t mean to”, we say.
One blames her misfortune, another her anxiety. But on that day shaytaan will say: “I had no authority over you; you alone chose to go astray!”
© Hayat Al Muslimah/Sunnah Attire 15.07.20