About Us
This unique boutique has been shaped by observing the Islamic Women’s Clothing available in retail shops, stores and online. It has been fashioned to bring you the best available options and varieties of modest jilbabs, niqaabs and accessories without compromising the hijab (body covering for women) or a woman’s haya (modesty)
We endeavour to promote the Sunnah which is the way of the Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the guidance in all of his affairs; meaning his path, his methodology and his way of life.
We follow the example of the Mothers of the Believers who were the Wives of the Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the Sahabiyat (may Allah be pleased with them), who were the companions and wives of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

We work hard to provide you
with the best quality modest women's
clothing & accessories
‘The Full Coverage’
Our Jilbabs offer an elegant style of Sunnah Attire, with generous sizing and essential features such as;
- light, very soft, high quality fabric
- two piece & one piece jilbabs
- loose ‘butterfly’ sleeves
- thin, not tight, finely elasticated cuffs
- deep pockets in the skirt
- a tie-back headband
- a comfortable chin cover
- choice of sizes
- choice of colours